Case Study – Beet Saver

Case Study – Beet Saver

Case Study – Rübenretter 45 Creator 9 months 120 Stories40 Posts & 40 Reels About the campaign We are pleased that you are interested in our family rescue box from Rübenretter! Rübenretter is against food waste and really wants to have healthy...
Investment for Leadnow

Investment for Leadnow

Leadnow revolutionizes micro-influencer marketing Simple, transparent and measurable: the company builder innoWerft also believes in this and supports the team with an initial investment. Leadnow is a German startup that uses its digital platform to...
Case Study – Nextbike

Case Study – Nextbike

3 influencers 1 month duration 3 feed posts Content About the campaign Leadnow is ideal for any type of campaign. No matter whether it's a large campaign with 20 influencers or a smaller one with 3 influencers like this one from Nextbike. The influencers should...
Case Study – Thalia

Case Study – Thalia

Case Study – Thalia 4 influencers 1 month duration 6 feed posts Content About the campaign Thalia wanted to use the campaign to promote her children's books and draw attention to the topic of “reading aloud”. “Mommy influencers” were booked for this purpose, who visualized the reading...