Protect your Instagram account against hackers

Protect your Instagram account against hackers

Why take part in the webinar ?

Imagine waking up one day and no longer being able to access your Instagram account! There is no way anymore, the hacker got your access data and even deleted all of your pictures. He now demands a ransom of €1,000 via WhatsApp. Find out in this webinar how to protect your Instagram account against hackers.

From experience, this even happened to one of our influencers during an ongoing campaign. We don't want this to happen to you and are therefore giving you tips:


Find out how to effectively protect yourself from hackers

We'll show you how hackers want to lure you out of your reserves and how you can best protect yourself against them!


Learn how to make your account secure

Find out how you can significantly reduce your risk of being hacked with just a little effort, so you never have to chase after your account!

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