Tips for content creation

What do I have to consider as an influencer in order to create the right content?

1. Know your community

Knowledge of your own community is essential for building a successful social media business. When creating your own content, you should always keep an eye on what your followers mainly use Instagram for and what they expect from your channel. You can gain in-depth knowledge of your target group through surveys and orientate yourself on which other bloggers your followers follow. This makes it more likely that you will actually offer your community added value.

2. Be consistent

The subject areas that interest your community should be reflected in the visual presentation of your images. Think in advance whether your posts should focus on products, services, natural landscapes or whatever and stay true to your line. Make sure that the posts are coherent and create a consistent picture. The use of a few filters that are similar in color is an essential part of this. In addition to a consistent feed, the regularity of posting is also crucial. Post several times a week and pay attention to what time of day your community is most active. Timing is also a crucial factor here.

3. Interact with your community

Interaction is a success factor for content creators on Instagram that should not be underestimated. For this purpose, Instagram offers you various tools that promote interaction with your community and thus take your target group communication to a new level. Be active in the comments, give out likes and shoutouts every now and then to particularly committed, loyal followers and regularly start Q&As in the stories. Live videos also offer you the opportunity to stream directly to your community and thus create closeness. Formats like Reels & IGTVs also loosen up your feed and bring variety to rigid picture posts.

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